Sunday, July 24, 2011

The North Pole (or should I say "down pour")

My last official day of vacation so I decided I wanted to do something fun with the girls.  We couldn't decide and despite the fact that earlier in the day the cousins were busy, they changed their minds and decided to join us for our adventure down to the North Pole.  Now granted it was in the 90's here in Denver so a little mountain coolness was going to be welcome.  As we drove further south we got caught in a rainstorm.  That didn't stop us however.  It appeared to be past the North Pole so we continued on.  Got there and ran around for an hour before the clouds once again opened us on us.  It was a downpour.  We took shelter under a small building overhang but not really ideal.  It rained...and rained....  Tracie wanted her sweatshirt and we knew there was an umbrella in the car so Nic and Keara traveled through the downpour (not once, but twice) to get these items.  Needless to say they were soaked.  It was actually fun in a cold, and wet way.  Finally, the sun came our about an hour before the park closed so we made the best of it and enjoyed our time there.  Can't say it wasn't memorable.  :)

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