Thursday, March 30, 2017

Best Day!

It was a beautiful day today so after having coffee with a friend, I went home and told the kids to get dressed because we were going to get out of the house.  I had no real plan but it turned out to be a perfect day.  We started by grabbing lunch and eating outside.  Then Keara needed to get something at Kohl's and because she was in good spirits we continued shopping for a dress for the wedding for her.  As luck would have it, we got one!!!  Whew!
We ate ice cream in the park and then the girls and I went bowling.  It was soooo much fun.  The girls got along and I enjoyed every moment with them.  These days are sometimes rare but I'll take them when I can get them. Then I topped off the day by having dinner with another friend of mine. Best day ever!

Tea Time

I don't get to see this lady enough but we managed to grab some tea today and catch up.  

Friday, March 24, 2017

Found This On My Phone

Shopping Day

Was treated with an unexpected snow day today.  Personally, I could have made it to work but I'm not complaining at all.  So what did I do?  Go shopping with Kailei and Grammy.  We were on missions for the wedding.  Could not miss the opportunity to send this picture to Mark and tell him that Mom was going to wear this had at the wedding. 
We did manage to get Kailei a dress and figure out a hairdo for Mom.  It was a great day.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

My Work Family

Had to document the moment in time since change will happen soon.  Nancy is moving on to spend more time with her grandchildren and Kailei is moving down to the Athletics department.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

She Loves Me!

Was pleasantly surprised to receive this text message from Keara.  Totally made my day!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Theatre Date

Escaped with Zeb for the afternoon to see An American in Paris.  Neither one of us had ever seen it before.  Can't say that it was my favorite but enjoyed the time with my hubby. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

School Choir Concert

Attended Kailei's school choir concert tonight.  She has been looking forward to it but once again has gotten sick so her voice doesn't sound too great.  That said, I have to hand it to her because she went to school every day so she would not get behind and would not miss the concert.  Love to see that kind of commitment.   

A Text Message from Kailei

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Our Basketball Girl

From dancer to basketball girl.  I still miss the days she was in leotards but she currently has no interest in going back.  While not the tallest on the team, she is fast and fierce.  She continues to accumulate the dollars her Uncle Mark owes her for the baskets she has gotten this year. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

District Honor Choir

So Kailei auditioned and made the district honor choir this year.  It is the first year they have had it and she enjoyed every moment.  They even had a university professor come down from UNC to work with the students.  Kailei loves to sing and we love listening to her.  She is looking forward to trying out again next year.