Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!  We were supposed to go to party but naturally COVID reared its ugly head and it ended up being cancelled.  We made the most of it and worked on solving a cold case that Kailei got for Christmas.  Let's just say we make great detectives when we get hints along the way.  :)

Thursday, December 30, 2021


Monday, December 27, 2021



Live This Often These Days


Sunday, December 26, 2021



Annual Hanukkah/Christmas shopping and movie day in the books.  We saw A Journal for Jordan. I gave Judith some shoes and she paid for me to get one of my ears pieced. Love you Judith!

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Archer Family Christmas - How Blessed Are We?


Kailei's Homemade Gifts and Paintings


Keara's Homemade Christmas Gifts


Christmas Morning

Had a great Christmas morning.  Love the laughter and smiles.  Apparently there was a Batman theme that I didn't know about.  Keara made Zeb a batman light. Kailei got him a batman mask and some batman boomerangs and she gave me a batsignal so I can get him when needed.  

Kailei got bookends, boots, sweats, a jacket, books, a stuffed turtle and sloth, and some games.

Keara got earrings, a book embosser, a shower speaker, canvas bag, basket for yarn, mug warmer and some books.

Zeb got clothes, a watch, all things Batman and AV's tickets.

Chris got an iRobot in hopes that it will clean the floor without her.  I also got a beautiful ornament that Keara painted in memory of Leah and Kailei painted a gift bag and gave me a book and bat signal. :)