Saturday, February 29, 2020


So seven years ago I had a brainstorm and the Creative Engineering and Technology Expo was born.  It was an event that I facilitated with a student committee that brought in elementary students from the surrounding area. The goal was to expose them to STEM related subjects, introduce them to Engineering department and have our high schoolers produce something fun for the community.

There are events that students participate in that require them to guild things ahead of time, there are events on site and there is a hallway full of activities.  We often have loads of door prizes, students get a goodie bag and the whole event is free.

It is a ton of work.  Each year I think it is like giving birth in that it is so much work, but after it is over it was so worth the time and effort. 

This however was my last year.  We always get great feedback, but it consumes my life for entirely too long and actually is just something I've done on the side.  Not part of my job description at all.  The girls and Zeb have always been supportive and are sad to see it end, but they understand.  I will miss it I'm sure but I can't say that a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder when I decided it was to be my last event. 

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