Sunday, August 25, 2013


I told Kailei she could not have a to-go cup of sprite in my car because she doesn't have a very good reputation. Insulted she said, "Heeyyy, I don't know what that means, but Heeyyy."

At one point in a conversation Zeb said I was"no fun." Kailei came to my defense and said, "She's fun. Not as fun as playing games with me, but she can be fun."


I sang Kailei the Oscar Meyer wiener song from long ago commercials and,after I was done she said "I'm tearing up Mom." Apparently my amazing voice brought her to tears 


Me: "Have you made a decision about dance yet?"

Kailei; "Mom, I've been busy. I was sleeping. I had work. I had to have fun. I can't make a decision while I'm having fun." 


Me; "That was very thoughtful you bought something for your cousin with your own money. "
Kailei: "Just doing what cousins do."


I was talking to Kailei about stereotypes and I used the example that some people assume red heads get angry easily. She said, "That's not true. If it was Dad would be a redhead." 

1 comment:

*mandy* said...

Love all the Kailei-ism's! <3 She is so funny!