Well, unfortunately I have no pictures to share because I somehow deleted them but we went camping last weekend (at least for a little while). The MWCC group headed to Golden Gate Park for our annual camping trip. Last year was miserable in terms of weather but this year was setting up to be much nicer.
I was at a technology conference last week so scrambled home Thursday evening in hopes we could head up the mountain Friday afternoon. Naturally, things didn't go as planned. For some weird reason, I just wanted to sleep all day...and I did. I just didn't have the energy to do much else. That should have been my first clue but the girls had their hearts set on this so we really wanted to make it happen. As we were attempting to get ready, Zeb showed me his eye which looked suspiciously red. I decided he needed to go to the doctor in case it was pink eye and told him we couldn't leave until that was done. At 4pm the doctor confirmed it was pink eye but said he was fine to go camping. Zeb picked up his medicine and I managed to gather enough energy to get things packed and off we went. We didn't get to leave the house until about 7pm but we made it up there in time to pitch our tent and hit the hay.
The night was cold but not as cold as I remember last year being. We woke up and our friend Scott organized a morning hike. It was just beautiful. The girls did a great job going down the mountain. Going back up was, shall we say, more difficult.
Mid-afternoon I got a horrible headache and started to feel sick. I thought it would go away. I thought maybe I just needed a nap. I thought with enough advil I could certainly make it through one more night. Alas, that was not to be. I tried. I really did but I just couldn't shake things. I decided we needed to go home. The girls were very understanding however and just requested to stay for samores. I couldn't deny them that so we stayed and headed down the mountain around 8pm.
It got worse. I got sick. I felt awful. I was happy to be in my own bed but I ached all over. I can't imagine having to deal with being sick in a tent so it was really the best decision.
The girls got to play with their friends and really had a great 24 hours.
I remained on the couch Sunday. Felt like I was recovering on Monday and was back to normal by Tuesday.
I'm not sure camping agrees with me. I remember I didn't feel well last year either. Hmmm....
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