So my Aunt Bernice and Uncle Jack ventured out west from New York this past week. It is always great to have family visit and as usual we had a good time.
The first weekend they went over to Tracie's for the 4th of July and then everyone came over hear on Sunday to celebrate Dad's birthday. Kevin sent Dad some fish from Alaska so we enjoyed a great meal.
Mom and Dad took Bernice and Jack down to Sante Fe and Taos for most of their visit. From what I understand they had a great time and it was very relaxing for everyone.
Upon their return it was time for the Irish Festival so we spent Saturday watching Mark play football and hurling. He took a nasty whack to his arm during hurling but they won they game. We walked around the festival listening to music and looking at the vendors in between games. Luckily we were not rained out and had a great day.
On Sunday we went to the pool for a short time before the lightening came. We had a birthday party to attend for a short time but ended the day back at Mom and Dad's. Bernice and Jack got the Riverdance DVD for the girls so they are now hooked on Irish dance even more.
We so loved having them here and can't wait until the next time they come to visit. (Actually the Colorado clan is all wanting to head to NY. It's been too long so I guess we have to start saving.)
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