Each year we remember when Kailei joined us and completed our family. It was a magical day and one that we will never forget. We try to honor that special time by spending the day together. This year we decided to spend our time in Colorado Springs. There is so much to do and see down there.
We kicked off the morning with breakfast at Village Inn and then headed down to the Springs. Making our way to Cave of the Winds we scheduled a tour around 10am. While both girls have been before, they forgot quite a bit and really enjoyed walking through the cave.
After a nice lunch in Old Colorado Springs, we decided to head for the Royal Gorge. We figured the girls could take a nap along the way. It was just amazing. Zeb and I had been years before with Mark and while the price has certainly gone up, it was really worth it. We had a great time. We walked over the bridge, took an ariel tram across the Gorge and then took and incline tram down the Gorge to the river. Each experience was just breathtaking and we all just loved it.
We spent the night in Colorado Springs hoping to extend our Family Day celebration to two days but Kailei woke up with a stomach ache. It didn't seem to leave her and I didn't want to risk any more sight seeing so we packed up and headed home.
Naturally, after a good nap in the car she woke up and felt much better. Ugh! Nothing we could do now but extend the fun so we decided to see the movie "Up". We all really enjoyed it and ended our celebration at Mt. Fugi where the kids enjoyed dinner being grilled on the hibachi.
Family day was great. The kids were perfect and we all just had a fabulous time. Our family is truly blessed and it is nice to take some time out of our busy schedule and remember all that we have been graced with.
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