Saturday, December 3, 2022

Caroline's Baby Shower

It's been years since I threw a baby shower but one must step up when your sister-in-law is having a baby. Caroline's mom was in town so this was the perfect time to have it. Mom helped quite a bit. I had too much food but I think it looked nice. Games were cheesy but I didn't know if I could go without them or not. Lots of people from Caroline's work attended which was great. It was a nice crowd and Caroline and Mark received some great stuff for the baby. 

I streamed the event so a few people in Scotland could watch her open gifts and feel included.

Once thing I did was ask people to bring a book in lieu of a card so I know they started a nice library of books to read to my future niece/nephew.   

Hopefully Caroline enjoyed it. That is all that is important.


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