Went to the stock show on Friday night. It is tradition. Tickets are getting expensive so it was cheaper to go on Friday night then on Saturday. We headed out after school. Unfortunately this Mom and Dad forgot their youngest daughter has some nasty allergies. It didn't take long before we realized she needed beneydrl. Fortunately we were able to get some at the medical station there. We normally carry it but I changed purses recently and we took my car instead of Zeb's and haven't managed to get any into mine yet.
Anyway, Keara enjoyed petting the animals and Kailei was upset she couldn't. We did let them take a picture on top of a bull and horse which made them happy.
Mark was helping with the draft horses again, so Mom and Dad were down as well. Dad's hearing aids were useless around there with all the background noise so conversation was entertaining.
Got a chance to walk around and stock show always means junk food. Cotton candy, funnel cakes, popcorn, caramel apples, and ice cream pretty much kept us full.
The rodeo was great but Kailei's asthma was really bad at that point. She did not want to leave however so we tried to get her to cover her face with her jacket. You would think after all these years we would remember how this allergy thing works but we are still in training apparently.
Despite everything, we had a great time.
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