Sunday, June 17, 2012

Express Yourself

We are very fortunate to be tied to an organization that does so much to help us and Kailei embrace her Chinese Heritage.  Today she participated in a small group workshop called Express Yourself.  It is basically designed to provide a safe place for children to talk about being Chinese in a white family in a white community.  Depending on the nature of the child, this can be no big deal or weigh heavy on their heart.  Regardless, I decided to send Kailei.  As expressive as she is, she tends to internalize many feelings and  does not like to talk about them.  She was not happy that I signed her up for this.  In fact, she stated she did not want to go and that I should know she doesn't like to talk about her feelings.  :)  After overcoming the small hurdle of getting her there without the comfort of friends or family nearby, it turned out to be a great experience for her and she "loved it!"  I felt certain it would be OK and was grateful that things went well.

I hope she doesn't mind me sharing some of the activities but I'm thinking it is OK since she gave the papers to me to look at.

What I like about being American is...we don't have to eat snake.  We have real toilets.

What I don't like about being American is...once I went to Mcdonald's and a guy with yellow teeth told a not very funny joke.  I was wearing my fairy dust and he said, are you trying to poison me?  And the thunder storms.

What I like about being Chinese...I can go to China and talk to the people in Chinese.

What I don't like about being have to eat rice every day.  You have to eat pig with its head on or not.  You eat chicken with its eyes on or not and with feathers and head or not.

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