The first thing I'm thankful for is the arts. One of the arts I'm thankful for is art. In art being creative is a good quality. You also have to have a good imagination. I also like music. Music is amazing because you can express feeling and emotions with every note or word. It is also soothing, so if you're angry or sad turn on music and calm down. Theatre is another art that I'm thankful for. It makes me feel like an eagle, free, free in the sky. It also makes me feel confident.
I'm also thankful for electronics. The electronic I'm most thankful for is my kindle. I like my kindle because I can learn new words and read new books. Another think I like about the kindle is that you can download flash cards in different language so you can learn new languages. I also like computers because they can help with homework and project for school. You can also play games. They can be educational or just for fun.
Another thing I'm thankful for is animals. I'm thankful for a lot of animals but dogs are way up there. I like dogs because they are loyal and friendly. They also can help police, the blind and investigators. Other than dogs, horses are my favorite. I love horses because they are gentle giants. They are friendly like a dog and they certainly are pretty.
The important people in my life are at the top of the list of things I'm thankful for, even thought it is the second to the last paragraph. My friends are important to me. All my friends are nice, caring and special in their own way. My family is special too. My mom, dad and sister are very supportive of what I do and love. My extended family is also great. My cousins Nic, Syd, Keenan, and Tighe are fun but my Grandpa who has leukemia is the one I'm worried about. Soldiers are important too because they save lives and help many people.
Obviously I am thankful for a lot of things and wish I could tell you all of them. Happy Thanksgiving!
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