Sent the girls down to what we affectionately call "Camp Walsh" which means time with their grandparents. Here is the report of what they've been up to.
" Dear Bruce and Chris, Just to let you know some of the things we have
been doing. We are doing swim lessons every day. Keara goes at 9:00
and Kailei at l0:00. They are doing really good. Today Keara dived
into the water at the deep end and swam the length of the pool. Kailei
can swim on her front for a little, then turn to her back. Keara is the
only girl in her class. Monday afternoon we tie dyed Kailei's shirt.
She is happy the way it turned out. A lady from here brought some
beads that you put on a form, then we iron them. Pretty neat, the girls
have had a good time with them. That evening we went to the park for
awhile. Yesterday afternoon we went to this store in town that does
monogramming. Keara picked out a horse and Kailei a fairy. Looking
forward to seeing the results. Keara made some brownies and Kailei iced
them. Last night we went to this farm. The girls held some baby
chicks and climbed into their boat looking baby kitties, which they did
not find. Then Ruth took them for a ride in their semi. Told them all
about it. They checked out the garden, looking for cucumbers. This is
Wednesday, they went to Mildred Walkers and did some work with the clay.
They won't get to bring home the finished product. We will bring it
when we come in Aug. Thur. we are going to the Senior Center for lunch,
then we are going to Johnson to the "Ole Store" they have an old
fashioned fountain. We may do the museum. Friday we will be doing
laundry. The nursing home is having a cook out, we plan to go to that.
That's about our week. See ya' Grandpa and Grandma
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