Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

The aroma of eggs and bacon surrounded me this morning.  Kailei specifically told me not to leave the bed and to my "surprise" I was soon treated to breakfast, flowers and some wonderful gifts created by the girls.

Kailei created a clock in Chinese class for me as well as a book done in her Kindergarten class.  Her observations are interesting.  They obviously made me smile. I think I have to work on my image.  :)

"My Mom's favorite food is...chili, but she doesn't like...sea food.
"She spends most of her time doing...going to the zoo."
"Mom helps our family by...buying fruit."
"The thing my Mom likes to do for fun is...exercising."
"When my Mom daydreams she thinks about...being a beautiful flower."
"If Mom could have one wish come true, she would wish for...a baby."

Keara wrote a poem for me called "My Amazing Mom".

My Mom is...
     a good cook,
     an awesome computer teacher.
     and a lot of fun.
My Mom is...
     loving and caring.
     very smart.
     and a fantastic reader.
My Mom is...
     really beautiful.
     full of love.
     and exceptionally sweet.

Mom, I love you with all my heart.  You're the best Mom in the world.  Happy Mother's Day!


Who could ask for anything better on Mother's Day?  Not me. 

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