Well, since I didn't get to blog yesterday it might all start to blur together but I'll try and remember some of the highlights from yesterday.
We grabbed breakfast at McDonald's again. It's easy and cheap. Kailei said, "Mom we are at McDonald's again.". I said, "Yes we are." And she stated, "It's so unusual." Hmm...not sure where that comment came from but it made me laugh.
The weather was much better yesterday. Back to 70 degrees and sunny.
Spent the day trying to ride things we had not ridden and that didn't required standing in line for more than 30 minutes.
The kids had to do Splash Mountain again (of course). We rode Indiana Jones (which was awesome!) and did Big Thunder Mountain. Again, to our surprise the girls enjoyed it all. The girls and I went through the Haunted House which was fun. We also rode the Carousel and had to get on the Teacup ride since that was one of Kailei's few requests.
Mid-afternoon we headed back to the hotel for a dip in the pool. I'm beginning to think if vacation consisted of nothing but a pool, it would still be great for the kids.
Having enjoyed Indiana Jones, we returned to the park for another round. Unfortunately Chris, Nic and Keara were in line and it broke down. Ugh! We were almost there too. We stayed to see if it would get fixed but after 30 minutes or so, they called it and we were all let out. We did get a fast pass to any ride in the park so all was not lost.
We headed over to Space Mountain and decided to use it there. I thought we only had three passes so I sent Kailei, Zeb and Nic on the ride. Keara and I did a little shopping as we waited. They all came out very excited about it so we knew we would be riding it again.
Because of the delay at Indiana Jones, we ended up being in the park quite late. The fireworks (which we hear nightly from our room) were in full swing and what a spectacular show. Only Disney can do it so well and it was great to watch as we walked out of the park.
Bedtime was late but the beauty is that we all fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
Highlights for Chris and Zeb...
- Kailei and the "fire cracks"
- Stuffing cotton candy in Nic's face
- Nic commenting on rope climbing. "I totally failed that part in gym.", he said.
- Nic and Keara laughing at the corny jokes told on the Jungle Cruise.
- Keara's paralization when it comes to chosing "just one thing" to buy.
- Keara and Kailei attempting to share a bed together. I wouldn't want to sleep with either one of them but Keara really is horrible.
- The smiles on the kids faces.
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