So, we started the day by attending Chinese class at JCCC. It is kinda like having another mwcc playdate since Kailei's friends Emily, Lily and Catie are in her class. Today they learned about the Moon Festival which is a significant Chinese holiday. They colored pictures and ate mooncakes which seemed to suit the girls just fine. Keara came with Kailei and entertained herself at the park and playing with Emily's sister Ella. Keara loves little kids and does just great taking care of them.
So the morning was nice but quickly took a turn as we got home. One thing we have learned about Kailei is that when she gets sick, she generally gets really sick and the tell tale sign for her parents are her red cheeks. I noticed a runny nose yesterday when I picked her up and was fairly certain it was either allergies or she was getting a cold. Today, the cough started, the fever and she keeps complaining about her stomach hurting. There just isn't anything worse than having little ones in pain and not being able to help them. I really should take up nursing because I am really clueless about all of this. Zeb thought her stomach ache might be because she was coughing a lot but I don't think that is it and now Zeb agrees and we taking her to an urgent care facility to have her looked at. Her breathing has been really heavy, she has a fever, her cheeks are bright red and her little heart just seems to be racing in my opinion. I'm sure Zeb will get to the doctor and they will tell us it is nothing but guess it is better they tell us that than to have anything more serious occur. It has been a long day because Kailei has been crying a lot and she has barely slept. Keara is very sweet at times but then sees all the attention Kailei is getting and gets a little jealous so she needs some tlc as well. It is going to be a long night. Pray that Kailei sleeps some. 
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