Gosh, what a great weekend! I wish we had three day weekends all the time.
Saturday my friend Pam came into town so we began the day by having her over for breakfast and doing a little socializing. After she left it was a girls day for Mom and Keara. We went shopping and a glorious time was had by one six year old. She cracks me up how excited she gets getting new clothes. She is always grateful and she always has such a good time trying on everything. She dances most of the time in the dressing room so much so I can hardly get her to stand still to see if things fit. She had one meltdown but it was because she was so happy to have everything and didn't know what to wear first. It is just too cute.
Later that night we decided to take the girls to the drive-in movie theatre. We took them last year when we celebrated Kailei's gotcha day but this year we couldn't because the movie wasn't exactly kid friendly. So, we have kept our eye on the paper and when we looked this weekend it was "Underdog". We packed up the car with chairs, blankets, sweatshirts and headed north to the theatre. The girls had a great time. The movie was tolerable for the parents. Kailei loved the popcorn. It put us out late but it is worth it.
Sunday we decided to go to Estes Park for the day. Grammy and Poppy joined us. We packed a lunch and ate by the lake when we arrived in town. We took a little stroll and saw some elk. We even saw elk in the lake at one point. Kailei and Keara played in the lake. At one point they were on a sand bar and they got a kick out of looking like they were walking on water. Everything was going well until Kailei was about 10 feet from shore and tripped. The first time she fell she laughed and we thought all would be OK. Then she fell again...and again....and again. Zeb lept out into the water shoes and all to get her. She was wet and upset for a little while but we stripped her and put her in my mom's sweatshirt while her clothes dried. After that, we took a walk and she took a nap. It rained a little but not so much that caused any problems.
We went into town and walked around the shops and local art show. Dinner was followed by ice cream and some play time in the park. We really had a great time and enjoyed having Grammy and Poppy with us.
Today, Zeb met his friend Bruce at the museum. Keara got to see her friend Elizabeth whom she just adores. They don't get to see each other as much as they would like so every moment is packed full of fun. Since Zeb took the girls that left me with a little time to get some things done around the house (after a short nap). :)
We probably did too much this weekend but the weather will start to change soon so we have to take advantage of it while we can. It was a great weekend in my opinion.