Well, started off in Denver with a huge security line so decided to get a trail to CLEAR. Little did I know how handy it would become. Got on the plane in Denver, out on the runway one of the engines won't start. Back to gate so they can fix it. Deplane for testing. Back on the plane. Go to pull out and engine won't start. Pilot announces that there is no way he will fly this plane. Not a problem. We all agree with his decision.
Another flight is arranged and we finally arrive in D.C. late at night so obviously I miss my connection. That is fine. I planned for it. Airline gets me a room, a ride and some food coupons. My flight isn't until 10:30pm the next day. She has booked me stand-by which I questioned but she says I should have no issue.
Had a day to kill so went to the Air & Space Museum near the airport (didn't even know there was another one). I can only get so excited about planes and helicopters for so long so decided to head to the airport and use my United Club pass. I never used it before but this seemed like the perfect time. It was wonderful. Leather seats, free food and drink, chairs with plugs for charging. I was loving it.
Got to my gate for my flight. It was looking pretty full. Started to question whether I would get on or not. Next thing I know they are offering $3000 for seats. Confirmation that I wasn't getting on. Ventured to Customer Service again. Asked if I could just get my luggage. They assured me I could. Line took forever even with only four people. Finally got a flight but now I'm leaving out of Newark. Got a room and a ride. Tried to get my luggage. Nope - they shipped it to Newark. Finally arrived at hotel around 1am.

Needed some eye contact solution, makeup and some clean underwear so found a Walgreens I could walk to. Couldn't decide on the makeup (I had only bought at department stores recently) so decided to walk to Macy's for makeup and underwear. They didn't have my makeup so just got underwear and headed back to Walgreens for makeup. Got something that would work and walked back to the hotel with about 45 minutes before the shuttle was coming. I was sweating of course. Tried to cool down, changed my underwear, did my makeup, replaced my contacts and off I went in search of the United Club.

I was starving upon arrival and grabbed Qdoba. Went searching for the United Club. Nope - under construction. Airport had been recently renovated so it appears very nice. Found chairs and a table a my gate and parked it for the long wait. The chairs did not move because they were bolted down. Not every comfortable but I made due. Then it was time to eat. Went to the food court and decided I wanted a hot dog. You can't order one in person, you have to use a QR code and the app. Nope - the QR would not work and launch the app for me. It wasn't working for someone else either. Asked if you could bypass the system from someone working there and she said no but would check. Never saw her again.
Thought maybe there would be an information desk where I could get help. Nope. I'm tired and hungry. I start crying in the food court. Called Zeb who comforted me in my time of sorrow.
Decided I would eat at the Qdoba where I had lunch because I don't remember having to use the app. Look for map. Nope. Started walking down another hall. Saw a stall in the middle of the aisle where it looks like you order on their system and pay there. Ordered a salad. Waited and watched for about 30 minutes as people got their food. Finally someone asked what I had ordered because she got her food already and knew I was there before her. I told her a salad and she looked at the order screen for the cook. No salad on the list. I cry again because she was just being nice to me. Gave up on food and grabbed a diet coke and cheetos at the self-serve shop.
Finally it is time for the plane. I get on. Figure I can have dinner on the plane. Just happy I am on it. Plane is full but nobody is in my row. I was getting excited. Condensation was dripping everywhere and someone decided to move up to my window seat. He sat in a puddle and decided it wasn't for him despite the fact the flight attendant told him it could stop soon. Bottom line...I got the whole row to myself. One positive thing.
Time for dinner. I order chicken thinking it would be safe. Nope. It was an Indian chicken dish so I just ate my cheetos. Tried to sleep since I had the whole row to myself. Nope.
Finally landed in Scotland.