Saturday, February 26, 2022



Friday, February 25, 2022

AV's Game

Gave Zeb tickets to the AVs for Christmas and the time has finally arrived. Caroline did the same thing for Mark. This was my first hockey game. It was fun. So much better to watch than football for me. Mark and Caroline treated us to dinner at Red Robin before hand.  Other than me taking the long way home (got caught behind a train that I swear was 10 miles long), the night was great fun.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Puppy Graduation

Makkari graduated from puppy class. I don't think she should have, but if considering how very shy she is they were happy with her growth. We shall see how she does in her next class.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Senior Night for Unified Basketball

For four years this girl has been a peer partner for the unified basketball team. We are so proud of her and grateful to the coaches that make it possible for these kids to play.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Jack is the consument host.  When we were there for Bernice he sent a text like this every morning.  He didn't disappoint when he sent it again while we were here for Nana.

Monday, February 14, 2022

One Last Show

Couldn't resist seeing one last show and I'm glad we did.  Kailei has been talking about it for a while so she was very jealous.  We loved it!!!


Walters Again!

Taking Kev, Mark and Caroline to the airport but not without a stop at Walter's for lunch.

My Valentine Never Forgets Me


Even when I'm out of town he remembers.  Love this guy!

Sunday, February 13, 2022


Brunch at Sharon's house and then they so sweetly celebrated Keara's birthday with a cake.  It was delicious. And apparently one of their family traditions is to have the birthday person skip around or they don't stop singing.  Keara had to comply. 

Later that evening Kev, Mark, Caroline and I went over for pizza and watched the superbowl. Good times!

Saturday, February 12, 2022


Today was Keara's birthday which was obviously overshadowed by the funeral. Caroline and Mark ended the day well with some cupcakes in the hotel room. Such a great Aunt and Uncle.


Mom's Eulogy for Nana

Good morning,

Among our gathering today in addition to our New York friends and family, we have family from California, Colorado, Texas, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, and Pennsylvania to honor our cherished Mom, our Nana and your Aunt Dolores.

What a life! It wasn’t always easy but I think she would agree it was a great run. Dolores bore seven children, welcomed 16 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren. Mom persevered through the hard times creating a multitude of memories for each of us along the way.

In addition to motherhood, Mom was passionate about her chosen profession, a true vocation. She was a dedicated and brilliant nurse. Even as a child she was a caregiver to her family who suffered through typhoid and scarlet fever. Her father died in her arms.

Mom enjoyed a close friendship with Mother Marie Albert and would frequently step in to support her in caring for her suffering parents so she could attend mass, run errands or just needed a break.

Mom went back to school when she was 38 after having seven children. She graduated from Fordham Hospital School of Nursing at the top of her class. She loved her job as Director of Nursing Services at the College of New Rochelle’s Infirmary.

Mom treasured her car – her wheels as she called it and after retirement was out on a daily basis to visit family and friends or just driving for sheer pleasure. She knew every back road and shortcut for miles around. She bought her very first car in the late thirties. It was royal blue with her name Dolores printed across the side in bright yellow – now who does that?!

Mom always enjoyed a good meal with good company. She was a wonderful cook and often hosted large family dinners with her crowd-pleasing spaghetti and meatballs, chili or a gourmet meal made from leftovers.

She loved traveling. Making several trips to California, Colorado, and even made it to Texas right after 9-11 when very few people were flying. She had the time of her life in Spain with her son Carter and dearly loved Rosa. She loved retelling all about her adventures like riding a camel in Morrocco. Once on a visit to Colorado she went off on her own and we later discovered she took a short jaunt to the top of Pikes Peak, 14,110 feet , the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rockies.

Mom loved a good laugh and was quick with her own comments/slant on life. Once she was having lunch with her daughter who was complaining as we age our skin begins to loose muscle tone and hang like curtains. Mom turned to her, lifting her arm proclaiming “Curtains?! That’s nothing, I’ve got a full set of drapes!

Mom was a scrabble player “extraordinaire”. Over all the many games we played I only won a handful. She attacked the game with relish and determination. She could total the score in her head faster than an adding machine. She could never really fathom why as a child I had such a hard time learning the multiplication tables.

At Nana’s 100th birthday celebration, I prepared a presentation overview of her life. I thought my delivery was spot on and immediately following the entire recap of her life, she turns to me with a smile on her face and says very loudly – “What did you say?

Mom lived life to the fullest – through two world wars, two pandemics, the depression and 19 presidents. God blessed us with her zeal for life, her goodness, and fortitude. I could never capture Mom in these few words. She taught us by example – if you get knocked down, you get back up again and continue on. That a strong faith will get you through anything and a few added Hail Mary’s won’t hurt either and its not what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside of a person that really matters. Thank you mom for all your sacrifice and for your indomitable spirit. She loved each and every one of us.

God promises us immeasurable joy in heaven. Mom has earned that joy, to be welcomed in the arms of our Lord, surrounded by her family, husband Bernie, son Carter, daughter Bernice, best friends Aunt Agnes, Uncle Bill, and grand nephews Michael and Eddy and all her family preceding her.

We love you Mom. God Bless You.







This girl turns 21 today! She is loved more than she will ever know.  We are so lucky to be her parents.

Friday, February 11, 2022



Family starting to arrive in town. So great to see everyone despite the circumstances.

Thursday, February 10, 2022



Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Trip to the City

When in New York, you know I'm going to do my best to see some shows.  Jack actually surprised us and took us to see Come From Away.  Mom loved it.  This was my third time and it is always great.

Since Keara is turning 21 this week, I splurged and got her tickets to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.  Little did I know at the time that the show was 4 hours long! It went fast however and I enjoyed the illusions and staging.  Keara loved it since she is a Potter fan.