Yesterday started out as a simple day but it ended up going crazy. Zeb went for a simple eyeappointment to check on his vision. Next thing you know they've told him that he has a tear in his retina which sent us spiraling the rest of the day.
He was told to go see a retina specialist down in Denver which he did. Upon arrival they decided they needed to do surgery right away so Zeb called me while I was out to dinner with Mark. Luckily since Mark was there with me he was able to take me home and then take me down to the retina center so I could drive Zeb home. While we were driving down Zeb called and said the surgery was canceled. Turns out he did not pass the health inspection that he needed to. Something about low sodium and a 1st° blocked artery etc..(Yeah, I panicked) Needless to say we were worried about that and so was the doctor so she didn't want to do surgery but believed that we still needed to get it done asap. Mark was driving me and in the time we turned off onto Colorado Boulevard and went about 5 miles Zeb call me and said he had gotten laser done. They decided to laser it so the tear would not get any worse. By the time we got there, he was coming out and ready to go home.
However, because we were going to do surgery on Monday morning he still needed to get a health clearance. So we were sent
up to Thorton medical center (opposite of our home) where we went into the emergency room and
got a bunch a tests done in order to get the clearance. Can you say 'cha ching?!
Anyway, we got the clearaence so surgery will be Monday morning to attach or fix the torn retina. Apparently he's getting a buckle around it right now and will need to lay on his back for a number of weeks. I'm glad they caught it in time and hopefully all will turn out well.