Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

As usual we spent Thanksgiving down in Walsh. Went down on Wednesday morning and came back Friday. The weather was beautiful but the company was even better. The girls love to see their cousins and Phyllis always spoils us with her wonderful cooking. A good time was had by all.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Keara's Conformation Retreat

Getting any information out of a teenager is no easy task. So I don't have much to write other then I know that she had a good time. There was a special point in the retreat where letters were written by those that loved her. I know that she was touched by each and everyone and I am grateful to those who spent the time to write especially when I was so last minute about letting you know.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mommy/daughter date

So Keara was at her confirmation retreat and Zeb was going out with Mark so Kailei and decided to have a mommy/daughter date.  We grabbed some Chinese which is always so good and then went and saw the movie Big Hero 6.  Great movie.  Kailei cried.  We then came home and played Phase 10.  Kailei won of course.  Love spending time with this girl.

Friday, November 21, 2014

My Letter to Keara for her Confirmation Retreat

November 2014,

Dear Keara,
I can't believe that you're heading into the year of your confirmation. My, the time has flown. You've grown into such a wonderful young woman. Still so very kind, so very sweet, so very thoughtful and sensitive. You make me so very proud and I'm so honored to be your mother.

You have brought so much joy into our life and our family. From the time you were little bald baby, until you were a little bald toddler, and now a beautiful teenager.
God truly blessed us when you entered into our lives. Your laughter and smile is like none other and fills my heart to hear and see it. Your talents are many and they will bring so much to make this world a better place. Believe in yourself and all that God has given you.

All I truly want is for you to be happy in this wonderful world in which we live. Once you receive your confirmation your formal religion education classes might be done but don't let go of that desire to learn and don't hesitate to continue to learn even more. Being close to God will always strengthen you. You will face difficult choices in the years to come and don't ever be afraid to turn to God. Just as he guided us safely through hurtles before, he will do so again. Life, though not easy, is filled with many opportunities for God's grace to work in us and through us.  Do what you feel in your heart to be right and you will never go wrong.

I love you always and forever.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to them and He will make your paths straight.”
                                                                                           Proverbs 35–36

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Choir Concert

So in addition to the many things that Kailei does besides dance and piano and Chinese and religious education, she also likes to do choir. Her choir concert was tonight and after months of getting up early on Tuesdays she did a wonderful job. Her music teacher is amazing and I continue to be thankful for the love that she inspires of music.


At the bookstore...
Me: "Go ahead and get a book or two."
Kailei (coming back with two hardcover books) "Okay, I found some."
Me: "Um, I prefer they be paperback since they are a little less expensive."
Kailei: "Come on Mom, these are cheaper here than in Canada."


Me: "How are you doing on your AR goal?"
Kailei; "Pretty good. I just have a few more points and I've reached my goal."
Me: "So soon? That's great."
Kailei: "I know. I rock!"


Me: "Whenever I see a show I always want to be on stage singing and dancing."
K: "Oh no! We've all seen you sing and and dance. Stick to being a stage hand."


"A great adventure always comes with a great price."


"It's time to conjure up some cray cray."


"Hey Mom, I got up to page 88 in my book. Jazz hands!"


"I don't speak dog. I just like to bark."


Kailei: "I have a lot of tangles in my hair."
Me: "That means you need to brush it more often."
Kailei: "I did brush it."
Me: "When?"
Kailei: "Monday."


Kailei to her stuffed lobster: "I promise I won't eat you, even though it's tempting."


Kailei to Zeb after he guessed something about her: "Finally someone who gets me, and my freakish ways."


So, Zeb is having to empty out the dream catcher for Kailei. She had a bad robot dream last night...


Conversation with Kailei...
Kailei; "'Ya know that boy that I introduced you to at the choir concert? I have a crush on him. And he likes me to. But don't worry, we aren't dating. We know we need call each other's parents to ask if we wanted to which is why we aren't. He wants to go to the School of Mines. Sounds really cool so I think I want to go there too.
Zeb: "Not sure they have dance there.
Kailei: "He is into chemistry, whatever that is."
Zeb: "Chemistry is the study of-"
Kailei: "Chemistry is love. Like you and mom.."


Kailei to me about her friend..
"Me and Grace have a long history together Mom."


After Kailei's choir concert tonight I told her she did a good job (which is a nice compliment in my book).
"What?!, she commented. A good job? I should get something better than that!"


Kailei-ism: "When the heat comes on, I'll be KOSI 101.1! That joke never gets old."

Me: "Why do I love you so much?"
Kailei: "'Cause I'm an angel."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


So I told my teenager that she needed to come see me face-to-face and say hi. So she sent me this from her phone...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Billy Elliot

Keara graced me with her presence and joined me in seeing the filmed theatrical production of London's Billy Elliot. We were the only ones in the theater and we had a good time. It was one of the fancy theatres where they serve you food which was a difference experience for Keara.  The show kept us out way too late on a school night but I sure love spending time with my teenager.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kinky Boots

Saw one of my favorite shows today, Kinky Boots. Zeb went with me and we made a wonderful date out of it. I think he really enjoyed seeing it too. Of course it wasn't as good as Broadway but nothing ever is. Still glad I got to enjoy it.

Keara's School Picture

Saturday, November 1, 2014

So Very Zeb