At the bookstore...
Me: "Go ahead and get a book or two."
Kailei (coming back with two hardcover books) "Okay, I found some."
Me: "Um, I prefer they be paperback since they are a little less expensive."
Kailei: "Come on Mom, these are cheaper here than in Canada."
Me: "How are you doing on your AR goal?"
Kailei; "Pretty good. I just have a few more points and I've reached my goal."
Me: "So soon? That's great."
Kailei: "I know. I rock!"
Me: "Whenever I see a show I always want to be on stage singing and dancing."
K: "Oh no! We've all seen you sing and and dance. Stick to being a stage hand."
"A great adventure always comes with a great price."
"It's time to conjure up some cray cray."
"Hey Mom, I got up to page 88 in my book. Jazz hands!"
"I don't speak dog. I just like to bark."
Kailei: "I have a lot of tangles in my hair."
Me: "That means you need to brush it more often."
Kailei: "I did brush it."
Me: "When?"
Kailei: "Monday."
Kailei to her stuffed lobster: "I promise I won't eat you, even though it's tempting."
Kailei to Zeb after he guessed something about her: "Finally someone who gets me, and my freakish ways."
So, Zeb is having to empty out the dream catcher for Kailei. She had a bad robot dream last night...
Conversation with Kailei...
Kailei; "'Ya know that boy that I
introduced you to at the choir concert? I have a crush on him. And he
likes me to. But don't worry, we aren't dating. We know we need call
each other's parents to ask if we wanted to which is why we aren't. He
wants to go to the School of Mines. Sounds really cool so I think I want
to go there too.
Zeb: "Not sure they have dance there.
Kailei: "He is into chemistry, whatever that is."
Zeb: "Chemistry is the study of-"
Kailei: "Chemistry is love. Like you and mom.."
Kailei to me about her friend..
"Me and Grace have a long history together Mom."
After Kailei's choir concert tonight I told her she did a good job (which is a nice compliment in my book).
"What?!, she commented. A good job? I should get something better than that!"
Kailei-ism: "When the heat comes on, I'll be KOSI 101.1! That joke never gets old."
Me: "Why do I love you so much?"
Kailei: "'Cause I'm an angel."