Well, our tradition has been to go to Walsh each Thanksgiving and give or take a year we generally make it down. This year however we had every intention of going but Tuesday night Zeb got sick. He has been having problems with his eyes for a few weeks now and while we thought things had cleared up, things came back in full force. It is kind of hard to explain but his eyes were quite painful and he can't really see out of them. I took him to the doctor on Wednesday and just the 10 minute drive was difficult for him. The doctor said it was a virus and he would probably be miserable thorugh the weekend. Given that, the drive, the pain and Zeb generally not feeling well drove us to make the decision to stay home.
Naturally the girls were really disappointed. They miss their Grandma and Grandpa and were really looking forward to seeing them. We were too and it was made worse when Phyllis reminded me that I would miss her famous peanut brittle and strawberry salad.
While difficult, it turned out to be the right decision. Zeb was still not feeling well at all on Thanksgiving.
I was tried to boost the kids spirits by cooking a big breakfast that morning (which is very rare for me). French toast, sausage and waffles was the basic spread. We invited the Wyman's over in the morning to join our feast and kick off the day thankful for friends.
Later that day, we joined Mom, Dad and Mark for an Archer Thanksgiving. I think my parents were happy to have us join them. Things were pretty low key but Mom always makes a mean Thanksgiving spread and we had a good time. Certainly we were grateful to be there and Zeb was grateful for the leftovers.