Well, Keara and I ventured to the Big Apple recently. A friend of mine mentioned that he was going and we should meet in the city for a show. Really he didn't have to twist my arm at all for me to start looking online for plane tickets. I'm such a sucker for Broadway. :)
So Keara and flew out this week and stayed with Jack and Bernice. They were so great to let us stay there and they chauffeured us around the whole time. We flew in on Tuesday and went to Nana's right away. From there we HAD to go to Walter's hotdog stand. Keara was not as thrilled to have a Walter's as I am but it certainly made my day. Nana made her famous spaghetti and meatballs for us and then we headed to Irvington.
Wednesday we went and visited Sharon, Stefan and the cousins. It was so much fun to be around a baby again and Keara really enjoyed playing with Kiernan and Maeve. We then were treated to the Big Apple Circus which was just great. I loved the clowns and highly recommend this circus for everyone.
Thursday Jack took off of work and was our tour guide. We went to the Botanical Gardens (which I absolutely loved!), rode the Staten Island Ferry and went to the Tenement Museum. We then headed to Times Square and met my friend Michael. Dinner was at Tony's and then we saw Billy Elliot. The show was just great and was worth every penny.
Friday Bernice took us back downtown so Keara could go to the American Girl store. We also visited Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick's Cathedral. Keara wanted to see her cousins again so Bernice took her back to Sharon's and I met Nana at Grand Central station where we had dinner at the Oyster Bar. It was delicious. I got two tickets for Next to Normal that night so Nana and I took a pedicab ride over to the theatre. It's not a bad way to travel and Nana and I giggled the whole way. The musical was not as good as Billy Eliot but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Saturday we ventured back to Colorado. We actually missed a huge snowstorm while we were gone. Keara was supposed to miss four days of school and ended up only missing one.
It was great Mommy/Daughter time and I hope Keara remembers if for a long time.