Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well, I've fallen a bit behind in my blogging but hope to catch up on the highlights.

Thanksgiving was spent with the Davison clan. Typically we drive down to Walsh each year and spend a couple of nights. While the drive can be long, we always enjoy ourselves once we are there. Mitch's family made it down as well and the cousins had a great time. As usual, Phyllis went out of her way with the food she prepared but we can't say that we didn't enjoy it.

We were especially grateful this year for continued health, and the fact that we both currently have a job during these tough economic times. And as always we are grateful for the love of our family and friends.

Monday, November 24, 2008

So Proud....

We are once again smiling from ear to ear. Keara received the "Principal's Excellence Award" today. Not to bad for someone who just started school there this year. She does not like to be in the limelight at all so we were doubly proud that she had the courage to go be up front and shake the Principal's hand.
Kailei was a little jealous so we took the opportunity to share that doing her best in school and being a good listener might one day earn her an award (we really emphasized being a good listener). We'll see how that pans out in years to come.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Keara's Report Card

Keara received her first report on Friday. Not surprisingly she did very well. She is often very hard on herself so I think it was good for her to see that she was doing just fine. She is an excellent reader and is academically on target with all her subjects. We are so very proud of her.

Report cards mean cupcake parties in our house. Zeb took her to King Soopers and she picked out some fancy cookies instead. She insisted we take them to Greeley with us on Saturday when we got our haircut and she shared her treats with Shari, our hair stylist, and the rest of the family.
Keep up the good work Keara!

One Way To Keep Yourself Quiet

Kailei For President

As we waited for the election results a few weeks ago, Kailei and I were having dinner together. I told Kailei that it was an important day because today we would know who the next President would be. I told her that one day she could grow up and be President and that she could do anything she wanted to do and be anything she wanted to be.

The next morning Keara was asking us who won the election. As Kailei heard us say that Obama had won, she burst into tears. Unsure of course why, I asked what was wrong. "But I wanted to be President!", she said with her feelings hurt. I cracked up.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Scared

This evening I asked Kailei what she wanted for Christmas. She replied, "A cell phone. Everyone has them Mom." As I choked on my taco, I asked her what else was on her list. She replied, "A computer. A real one Mom, not just a play one."

I'm scared.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


As seems to be becoming tradition, the Wenzel's and Grammy and Poppy came over for Halloween. We ate pizza and then went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. The weather was amazingly warm so I volunteered to take the girls out while Zeb stayed home to hand out candy. (I'm really a fair weathered parent when it comes to trick-or-treating.)

It was a riot to see the kids run from door to door. Sydney surprised us all and was quite assertive in getting her candy. They were all too cute.