A little too close to home for our taste but an amazing sight to see nonetheless.
Her teacher's name is Mrs. Whitney and she seems very nice. There is also a student teacher in he room so the ratio of teacher to student is pretty good. :) Keara really likes them both so it seems we are off to a good start.
I want more time. More time to shelter her from the hardships. More time to play. More time to watch her discover all that is around her. More time to cuddle and love the toddler that once was Kailei. Now she is a little girl and going off to pre-school. I'm so very proud of her.
Kailei had a great day (as expected). She was a little hesitant but nothing like Keara was (three heart-breaking weeks of her crying at the window as I left each day). These little ones from China are fighters. Life has not always been kind to them and I hope that my prayers for Kailei and all her Chinese friends are listened to on some level.
Kailei will be OK. I will be OK. Let her education begin.