Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A little too close to home for our taste but an amazing sight to see nonetheless.

Life Happens

So already I'm getting behind. School has started, hours get longer while the days seem shorter, work load increases, kids start their activities and it is all a blur.

We did have a great weekend though. Our friend Sam came over and spent the night. Sam seems to think Keara is a "real princess" and Keara naturally eats it up. Sam spent quite a bit of time questioning Keara about what princesses do. "Do princesses eat cereal?" Do princesses wear pants?" It was too cute to listen to. Kailei can give or take the whole princess thing depending on her mood but this weekend she went with the flow.

We took the princesses Amazing Jakes and had a great time playing games and riding rides. Then typical of a slumber party, the girls stayed up later than they should have and the giggles were certainly contagious.

Bright and early the next morning a tea party was organized by the ladies of the house (note...I was still sleeping). Again, they had a great time and shortly after we went to the pool with our friends Frances and Lucy. Soon the pool will close so we are squeezing in what we can.

All in all it was a great sleepover for everyone involved. Once upon a time, I thought it would be more difficult but I've actually discovered that having a sleepover pretty relaxing overall.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lest we forget...


The Unbirthday Party

Friday we celebrated all the MWCC girl's birthdays. We decided earlier this summer that rather than celebrate 12 girls birthdays throughout the year, we would get together for one big party and whoop it up.

So, we were supposed to have a pool party and wouldn't you know it was pouring rain. Our spirits were not dampened however and fortunately I had reserved the clubhouse. The theme of course was a disney princess party and many of the girls came decked out in their best dresses. We ate pizza, had cake, opened presents and once again had a great time. Now all the birthdays are done for the year. The place was exploding pink but so was the fun. I'm already looking forward to next year and so are Keara and Kailei.

Happy Birthday everyone!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Keara Starts Second Grade

This has been a big week for the Davison girls. Kailei started pre-school on Monday and now Keara started 2nd grade today. Yes, I cried again. This time it was sending her on a bus that set me off. Gosh, I'm just a mush!

She did just fine. I raced off in my car to beat the bus to school. She enjoyed riding it. We've been talking about it for months so I'm sure she was just happy to finally get on. Fortunately the bus picks her up and drops her off just across the street so it very convenient. Zeb was there waiting for her when she got home. And it was just wonderful to hear that she had a great day. Whew!

Her teacher's name is Mrs. Whitney and she seems very nice. There is also a student teacher in he room so the ratio of teacher to student is pretty good. :) Keara really likes them both so it seems we are off to a good start.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kailei Starts Kindercare

So, my little one has transitioned from home day care to pre-school at Kindercare. I cried. I can't help it. It makes me sad, and happy and anxious, and worried, and excited and ......well, emotional.

I want more time. More time to shelter her from the hardships. More time to play. More time to watch her discover all that is around her. More time to cuddle and love the toddler that once was Kailei. Now she is a little girl and going off to pre-school. I'm so very proud of her.

Kailei had a great day (as expected). She was a little hesitant but nothing like Keara was (three heart-breaking weeks of her crying at the window as I left each day). These little ones from China are fighters. Life has not always been kind to them and I hope that my prayers for Kailei and all her Chinese friends are listened to on some level.

Kailei will be OK. I will be OK. Let her education begin.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Birthday Celebration

We did the Archer birthday celebration with Kailei and Sydney late June and now it is time for the Davison celebration for Kailei and Anika.
Zeb's brother Mitch hosted the event this year. It was a special birthday for Anika since she was turning one.

I baked ziti and as usual, Lieu spent hours preparing the rest of the food. She usually treats us to homemade egg rolls, fried rice, bbq ribs and chicken and there is always enough to feed an army.

Both girls enjoyed the day. Anika is getting to be so big already. I can't believe it has been a year. And Kailei, well she is a little girl now. No more toddler in that one.

Thanks Uncle Mitch for hosting. We all had a great time!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Girls Are Back!

The girls are back and we couldn't be happier!
While we appreciated the opportunity to have a little one-on-one time with each other, it was just getting a little too quiet around here.

Keara and Kailei arrived home safely on Friday evening from Grandma and Grandpa's. Apparently all parties involved had a fantastic week and are already making plans for next summer.

Highlights of their stay included Grandpa making another swing since there are two of them now, a trip to the farm, making lots of goodies with Grandma, sewing and crocheting blankets, going to the riverwalk in Pueblo, running through the sprinkler and the list goes on. Unfortunately we have no pictures as Keara's camera fell out of her backpack the morning we dropped her off. :(

Of course, the memories that the girls have is what is most important and I'm confident they had a great time.

Thanks again Grandpa and Grandma!