Most you know Mark has been working for some good friends of Gary and Tracie's over the last few years working horses. He spends hours driving them, cleaning up after them, enduring the crazy weather in Wyoming and spends quite a bit of time traveling to various horse shows throughout the year. Although Wyoming is not the state of his choice, the Messengers have been good to him providing him room and board along with a paycheck.
Equestrian competition is not easy. There are a ton of variables that play into competition, such as the judge's personal preferences, the mood of the horse, the environment you perform in, your attitude that day and more.
Well, apparently the stars were aligned last night as Mark entered into the Amateur Team class last night. Mark drove a nice pair of horses and walked away with a blue ribbon. Needless to say he was thrilled - as were all of us. His work paid off and it is a coo to have accomplished this at the stock show.
I was glad I got to be there and share in the moment. Mark is not huge on expressing his feelings but the smile on his face told it all.
Great drive Mark!